TMB Documentation
We use the following notation
Notation | Explanation |
\(u\) | The random effects vector |
\(\theta\) | Parameter vector (first part) |
\(\beta\) | Parameter vector (second part) |
\(f(u,\beta,\theta)\) | Joint negative log likelihood |
\(x\) | Data |
\(E(u|x)\) | Conditional expectation of random effect given data |
\(\hat u\) | The posterior mode \(\arg \min_{u} f(u,\beta,\theta)\) |
This section describes the underlying theory of the argument profile
to MakeADFun
intended to speedup and robustify linear mixed effect models with a large number of fixed effects. With a few common model properties (Assumption 1 and 2 below), which must be checked by the user, one can apply the profile
argument to move outer parameters to the inner problem without affecting the model result.
Theorem 1 (Profiling inner problem) Assume that for any \(\beta\) and \(\theta\)
Then the MLE
\[\hat \beta := \arg \max_{\beta} \left( \int \exp(-f(u,\beta,\theta)) \: du \right) \]
is a solution to the augmented system
\[ \begin{split} \partial_{u} f(u,\beta,\theta) &= 0 \\ \partial_{\beta} f(u,\beta,\theta) &= 0 \end{split} \]
The augmented system defines \(\hat \beta\) implicitly as function of the posterior mode \(\hat u\).
Differentiation of the negative log marginal likelihood gives
\[ \begin{split} \partial_{\beta} \left( -\log \int \exp(-f(u,\beta,\theta)) \: du \right) &= E(\partial_{\beta}f(u,\beta,\theta) |x) \\ &= \partial_{\beta} f(u,\beta,\theta)_{|u=\hat u(\beta,\theta)} \end{split} \]
where the first equality holds in general and the second equality follows from assumptions (1) and (2).
The standard situation for which assumption 1 holds is when the \(\beta\)s are the linear fixed effects of a mixed model. In this case the joint negative log density takes the form
\[ f(u,\beta,\theta) = \frac{1}{2}(u-A\beta)'\Sigma_{\theta}^{-1}(u-A\beta) + ... \]
for some design matrix \(A\) where ' \(...\) ' does not depend on \(\beta\). The derivative
\[ \partial_{\beta} f(u,\beta,\theta) = A'\Sigma_{\theta}^{-1}(u-A\beta) \]
is thus a linear function of the random effect \(u\).
In general assumption 2 holds exact for models with a symmetric (e.g. Gaussian) posterior distribution.
This section supplements the documentation of ?sdreport
by adding some missing details.
As previously, we consider a general latent variable model with parameter vector \(\theta\), random effect vector \(u\) and observation vector \(x\). The TMB estimation procedure works as follows:
In general, we assume that \(\hat\theta\) is a consistent estimator of \(\theta\). However, we do not in general require \(\hat u\) to be consistent for \(u\). The purpose of sdreport is, for a given realization of the pair \((u,x)\), to quantify the joint uncertainty of \((\hat u,\hat\theta)\) as estimator of \((u,\theta)\). That is, we are interested in the variance matrix of the difference
[D:={pmatrix} u((x),x) - u\ (x) - {pmatrix}]
An important point of the uncertainty quantification is to account for plugging in \(\hat\theta\) rather than using the true \(\theta\).
We calculate the variance using the standard formula:
Consider \(D\) conditionally on \(x\). The second component does not depend on \(u\) and \(\hat u\) is constant given \(x\):
[V[D|x]={pmatrix}V[u|x] & 0 \ 0 & 0 {pmatrix}]
It follows that
[E(V[D|x])={pmatrix}E(V[u|x]) & 0 \ 0 & 0 {pmatrix}]
As central estimator of \(E(V[u|x])\) we use \(V[u|x]\) which is approximated by the inverse random effect Hessian \(H_{uu}^{-1}\) based on the assumption that \(u|x\) is well approximated by a Gaussian distribution (a reasonable assumption given that we are using the Laplace approximation). This explains the first term of variance formula in ?sdreport
[E(V[D|x]) {pmatrix} H_{uu}^{-1} & 0 \ 0 & 0 {pmatrix}]
[E[D|x]={pmatrix} u((x),x) - E(u|x)\ (x) - {pmatrix}]
Again, asuming a Gaussian approximation of \(u|x\), it follows that \(E(u|x) \approx \hat u(\theta,x)\):
[E[D|x]={pmatrix} u((x),x) - u(,x)\ (x) - {pmatrix}]
We approximate the expectation using linerization of \(\theta \rightarrow \hat u(\theta,x)\) around \(\hat\theta(x)\)
[E[D|x]=J_x ((x) - )]
We now have the second term of the variance formula in ?sdreport
[V(E[D|x]) J_x V((x)) J_x']
This term becomes negligible if the amount of data is high because of the assumed asymptotic consistency of \(\hat\theta\).