TMB Documentation  v1.9.11
// Multivariate normal distribution with circulant covariance
#include <TMB.hpp>
#include <fft.hpp> // atomic fft
// Helper to convert real vector to complex vector
template<class T>
vector<std::complex<T> > xc(x.size());
// Careful to set imag=0. T() is not zero by default!
for (int i=0; i<x.size(); i++) xc[i] = x[i];
return xc;
// dmvnorm for circulant covariance
template<class Type>
Type log_dmvnorm_fft(vector<Type> x, vector<Type> C) {
vector<Type> sd = atomic::fft(cplx(C)).real().sqrt();
vector<Type> y = (Fx * Fx.conjugate()).real().sqrt(); // modulus
y = y / sqrt((Type) y.size());
return dnorm(y, Type(0), sd, true).sum();
template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
// y ~ MVNORM(0, Sigma)
DATA_VECTOR(d); // circ distance
DATA_VECTOR(x); // observation
vector<Type> C = exp(-rho*d);
return -log_dmvnorm_fft(x, C);
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