TMB Documentation  v1.9.11
// Laplace approximation from scratch demonstrated on 'spatial' example.
// The purpose is to show how the namespace 'autodiff' can be used to
// differentiate an iterative solver (the inner problem of the Laplace
// approximation). It is not meant to replace the approach used in the
// 'spatial' example (!)
#include <TMB.hpp>
/* Generic Laplace approximation (everywhere convex problems only). */
template<class Type, class Functor>
struct laplace_t {
Functor f; // User's implementation of joint nll
vector<Type>& u; // Random effect vector
int niter; // Number of Newton iterations
laplace_t(Functor f_, vector<Type> &u_, int niter_) :
f(f_), u(u_), niter(niter_) {}
Type operator()(){
// Solve inner problem - Newton iterations
for (int i=0; i<niter; i++){
u = u - atomic::matinv(H) * g;
// Laplace approximation
Type ans = .5 * atomic::logdet(H) + f(u);
ans -= .5 * Type(u.size()) * log(2.0 * M_PI);
return ans;
template<class Type, class Functor>
Type laplace(Functor f, vector<Type> &u, int niter){
laplace_t<Type, Functor> L(f, u, niter);
return L();
/* The following is (almost) copy-pasted from the 'spatial' example */
template<class Type>
struct joint_nll {
/* Data and parameter objects for spatial example: */
Type a;
Type log_sigma;
/* Constructor */
joint_nll(vector<Type> y_,
Type a_,
Type log_sigma_) :
y(y_), X(X_), dd(dd_), b(b_),
a(a_), log_sigma(log_sigma_) {}
/* Evaluate the negative joint log-likelihood as function of the
random effects */
template <typename T>
T operator()(vector<T> u) {
int n = u.size();
T res=0;
vector<T> eta = T(exp(log_sigma)) * u;
vector<Type> mu = X * b;
eta = eta + mu.template cast<T>();
matrix<T> cov(n,n);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
cov(i,i) = 1.0;
for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
// Exponentially decaying correlation
cov(i,j) = exp(-a * dd(i,j));
cov(j,i) = cov(i,j);
density::MVNORM_t<T> neg_log_density(cov);
res += neg_log_density(u);
// logdpois = N log lam - lam
for(int i=0; i<y.size(); i++)
res -= T(y[i]) * eta[i] - exp(eta[i]);
return res;
template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
int n = dd.rows();
// Construct joint negative log-likelihood
joint_nll<Type> jnll(y, X, dd, b, a, log_sigma);
// Random effect initial guess
// Calculate Laplace approx (updates u)
Type res = laplace(jnll, u, niter);
return res;
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