TMB Documentation  v1.9.11
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
 NatomicNamespace with special functions and derivatives
 NautodiffAutomatic differentiation (gradient, hessian, jacobian)
 NdensityCollection of multivariate Gaussian distributions (members listed in density.hpp)
 Ngauss_kronrodNamespace with utility functions for adaptive numerical integration
 NnewtonHighly flexible atomic Newton() solver and Laplace() approximation
 NR_inlaSPDE methods from INLA R-package
 NradixRadix based sorting and first_occurance
 NrombergUnivariate and multivariate numerical integration
 Nsparse_matrix_exponentialSparse matrix exponentiation
 NTMBadAutomatic differentiation library designed for TMB
 NtmbutilsUtility functions for TMB (automatically included)
 NvectorizeVectorized atomic functions
License: GPL v2