TMB Documentation  v1.9.11
// Demonstrate adaptive solver of TMBad
#include <TMB.hpp>
This class holds the function we wish to minimize
- It holds a mix of data and parameters
- We don't want to specify which is which
template<class Type>
struct Functor {
Functor(const matrix<Type> &m, const vector<Type> &v) : m(m), v(v) {}
Type operator()(const vector<Type> &x) {
v = v * v;
vector<Type> y = x - v;
vector<Type> my = m * y;
return (y * my).sum() + exp(x).sum();
template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
using newton::newton_config_t;
DATA_STRUCT(cfg, newton_config_t);
Functor<TMBad::ad_aug> F(m, x);
vector<Type> sol = Newton(F, x, cfg);
return sol.sum();
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