TMB Documentation  v1.9.11
// Estimate and validate a multivariate random walk model with correlated increments and correlated observations.
// Compare Thygesen et al (submitted, 2016): Validation of state space
// models fitted as mixed effects models
// Casper W. Berg and Kasper Kristensen, 2016
#include <TMB.hpp>
/* Parameter transform */
template <class Type>
Type f(Type x)
return Type(2) / (Type(1) + exp(-Type(2) * x)) - Type(1);
template <class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator()()
DATA_ARRAY(obs); /* timeSteps x stateDim */
PARAMETER_ARRAY(u); /* State */
int timeSteps = obs.dim[1];
int stateDim = obs.dim[0];
Type rho = f(transf_rho);
Type rhoObs = f(transf_rhoObs);
vector<Type> sds = exp(logsds);
vector<Type> sdObs = exp(logsdObs);
// Setup object for evaluating multivariate normal likelihood
matrix<Type> cov(stateDim, stateDim);
matrix<Type> covObs(stateDim, stateDim);
for (int i = 0; i < stateDim; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < stateDim; j++) {
cov(i, j) = pow(rho, Type(abs(i - j))) * sds[i] * sds[j];
covObs(i, j) = pow(rhoObs, Type(abs(i - j))) * sdObs[i] * sdObs[j];
using namespace density;
MVNORM_t<Type> neg_log_density(cov);
MVNORM_t<Type> neg_log_densityObs(covObs);
/* Define likelihood */
Type ans = 0;
// Initial condition
Type huge = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < stateDim; i++) ans -= dnorm(u(i, 0), Type(0), huge, true);
// residuals.setZero();
for (int i = 1; i < timeSteps; i++)
ans += neg_log_density(u.col(i) - u.col(i - 1)); // Process likelihood
for (int i = 0; i < timeSteps; i++) {
ans += neg_log_densityObs(obs.col(i) - u.col(i),
keep.col(i)); // Data likelihood
return ans;
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