TMB Documentation  v1.9.11
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NatomicNamespace with special functions and derivatives
 CAtomicGlobalFor backwards compatibility with CppAD
 CAtomicLocalUser interface to checkpointing using TMBad
 NdensityCollection of multivariate Gaussian distributions (members listed in density.hpp)
 CAR1_tStationary AR1 process
 CARk_tStationary AR(k) process
 CcontAR2_tContinuous AR(2) process
 CGMRF_tGaussian Markov Random Field
 CMVNORM_tMultivariate normal distribution with user supplied covariance matrix
 CN01Standardized normal distribution
 CPROJ_tProjection of multivariate gaussian variable
 CSCALE_tApply scale transformation on a density
 CSEPARABLE_tSeparable extension of two densitites
 CUNSTRUCTURED_CORR_tMultivariate normal distribution with unstructered correlation matrix
 CVECSCALE_tApply a vector scale transformation on a density
 CAccessible_CholmodSupernodalLLTSupernodal Cholesky factor with access to protected members
 Ngauss_kronrodNamespace with utility functions for adaptive numerical integration
 CcontrolUser control parameters for R's integrate
 CIntegralInterface to R's adaptive integrate routine
 CmvIntegralMultivariate integral class
 NnewtonHighly flexible atomic Newton() solver and Laplace() approximation
 CHessianSolveVectorOperator (H, x) -> solve(H, x)
 Cjacobian_dense_tMethods specific for a dense hessian
 Cjacobian_sparse_plus_lowrank_tMethods specific for a sparse plus low rank hessian
 Cjacobian_sparse_tMethods specific for a sparse hessian
 Cnewton_configNewton configuration parameters
 CNewtonOperatorGeneralized newton solver similar to TMB R function 'newton'
 CTagOpOperator to mark intermediate variables on the tape
 NR_inlaSPDE methods from INLA R-package
 Cspde_aniso_tObject containing all elements of an anisotropic SPDE object, i.e. eqn (20) in Lindgren et al
 Cspde_tObject containing all elements of an SPDE object, i.e. eqn (10) in Lindgren et al
 NradixRadix based sorting and first_occurance
 CradixSimple radix sort implementation
 Nsparse_matrix_exponentialSparse matrix exponentiation
 CconfigShared configuration parameters for expm_series and expm_generator
 Cexpm_generatorMatrix exponential of generator matrix multiplied by vector
 Cexpm_seriesMatrix exponential multiplied by vector
 NTMBadAutomatic differentiation library designed for TMB
 Cad_plain_indexConstruct ad_plain from index
 CadaptiveEnable weak comparison operators of an ad type
 CADFunAutomatic differentiation function object
 CADFun_packedContainer of ADFun object with packed input and output
 CArgsArgument class to handle array access of operator inputs and outputs
 CAtomOpGeneric checkpoint operator
 CautoparSplit a computational graph using a simple heuristic
 CcliqueUtilility class for sequential_reduction
 CcontrolUser control parameters for R's integrate
 CDecomp2Decomposition of computational graph
 CDecomp3Decomposition of computational graph
 Cforbid_remapForbid remappings if not consecutive
 CForwardArgsAccess input/output values during a forward pass. Write access granted for the output value only
 CglobalStruct defining the main AD context
 CgraphOperator graph in compressed row storage
 CIndirectAccessorProvide inplace read access to value or derivative arrays
 CIntegralInterface to R's adaptive integrate routine
 CintervalsUnion of closed intervals
 Cmultivariate_indexUtilility class for sequential_reduction
 CmvIntegralMultivariate integral class
 Cold_stateRead the current tape's state and restore it on request
 Comp_shared_ptrManage shared operator data across multiple threads
 Cop_infoBitwise collection of selected operator flags
 CPackOpPack (PackOp) or unpack (UnpkOp) n consecutive values on the tape
 CPackWrapTransform a functor to have packed input/output
 CParalOpParallel operator
 CParametersChangedDefault tester for retaping_derivative_table
 CperiodRepresentation of a period in a sequence
 CperiodicPeriod analyzer
 Cretaping_derivative_tableAdaptive derivative table used by AtomOp
 CReverseArgsAccess input/output values and derivatives during a reverse pass. Write access granted for the input derivative only
 Csegment_refProvide read/write access to an array segment
 CSegmentRefRepresentation of a specific contiguous set of values on a specific tape
 Csequential_reductionSequential reduction algorithm
 CSpJacFun_configConfiguration parameters for SpJacFun()
 Csr_gridUtilility class for sequential_reduction
 Cstandard_derivative_tableFixed derivative table used by AtomOp
 CStdWrapInteroperability with other vector classes
 CUnpkOpPack (PackOp) or unpack (UnpkOp) n consecutive values on the tape.
 NtmbutilsUtility functions for TMB (automatically included)
 CarrayArray class used by TMB
 CConcatSerialized representation of objects of different types
 Cinterpol2DGet a smooth representation of a data matrix
 Cinterpol2D_configConfiguration for Interpol2D
 CmatexpMatrix exponential: matrix of arbitrary dimension
 Cmatexp< scalartype, 2 >Matrix exponential: 2x2 case which can be handled efficiently
 CmatrixMatrix class used by TMB
 CorderTaped sorting of a vector
 CsplinefunSpline Interpolation
 CvectorVector class used by TMB
 NvectorizeVectorized atomic functions
 CvectorVector of consequtive values on the AD tape
 CarrayArray class used by TMB
 Cconfig_structConfiguration variables of a user template
 Cdata_indicatorUtilities for OSA residuals
 CmatrixMatrix class used by TMB
 Cparallel_accumulatorHelper to manage parallel accumulation
 CvectorVector class used by TMB
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