TMB Documentation
▼Natomic | Namespace with special functions and derivatives |
CAtomicGlobal | For backwards compatibility with CppAD |
CAtomicLocal | User interface to checkpointing using TMBad |
▼Ndensity | Collection of multivariate Gaussian distributions (members listed in density.hpp) |
CAR1_t | Stationary AR1 process |
CARk_t | Stationary AR(k) process |
CcontAR2_t | Continuous AR(2) process |
CGMRF_t | Gaussian Markov Random Field |
CMVNORM_t | Multivariate normal distribution with user supplied covariance matrix |
CN01 | Standardized normal distribution |
CPROJ_t | Projection of multivariate gaussian variable |
CSCALE_t | Apply scale transformation on a density |
CSEPARABLE_t | Separable extension of two densitites |
CUNSTRUCTURED_CORR_t | Multivariate normal distribution with unstructered correlation matrix |
CVECSCALE_t | Apply a vector scale transformation on a density |
▼NEigen | |
CAccessible_CholmodSupernodalLLT | Supernodal Cholesky factor with access to protected members |
▼Ngauss_kronrod | Namespace with utility functions for adaptive numerical integration |
Ccontrol | User control parameters for R's integrate |
CIntegral | Interface to R's adaptive integrate routine |
CmvIntegral | Multivariate integral class |
▼Nnewton | Highly flexible atomic Newton() solver and Laplace() approximation |
CHessianSolveVector | Operator (H, x) -> solve(H, x) |
Cjacobian_dense_t | Methods specific for a dense hessian |
Cjacobian_sparse_plus_lowrank_t | Methods specific for a sparse plus low rank hessian |
Cjacobian_sparse_t | Methods specific for a sparse hessian |
Cnewton_config | Newton configuration parameters |
CNewtonOperator | Generalized newton solver similar to TMB R function 'newton' |
Csafe_eval | |
CTagOp | Operator to mark intermediate variables on the tape |
▼NR_inla | SPDE methods from INLA R-package |
Cspde_aniso_t | Object containing all elements of an anisotropic SPDE object, i.e. eqn (20) in Lindgren et al |
Cspde_t | Object containing all elements of an SPDE object, i.e. eqn (10) in Lindgren et al |
▼Nradix | Radix based sorting and first_occurance |
Cradix | Simple radix sort implementation |
▼Nsparse_matrix_exponential | Sparse matrix exponentiation |
Cconfig | Shared configuration parameters for expm_series and expm_generator |
Cexpm_generator | Matrix exponential of generator matrix multiplied by vector |
Cexpm_series | Matrix exponential multiplied by vector |
▼NTMBad | Automatic differentiation library designed for TMB |
Cad_plain_index | Construct ad_plain from index |
Cadaptive | Enable weak comparison operators of an ad type |
CADFun | Automatic differentiation function object |
CADFun_packed | Container of ADFun object with packed input and output |
CArgs | Argument class to handle array access of operator inputs and outputs |
CAtomOp | Generic checkpoint operator |
Cautopar | Split a computational graph using a simple heuristic |
Cclique | Utilility class for sequential_reduction |
Ccontrol | User control parameters for R's integrate |
CDecomp2 | Decomposition of computational graph |
CDecomp3 | Decomposition of computational graph |
Cforbid_remap | Forbid remappings if not consecutive |
CForwardArgs | Access input/output values during a forward pass. Write access granted for the output value only |
►Cglobal | Struct defining the main AD context |
Cgraph | Operator graph in compressed row storage |
CIndirectAccessor | Provide inplace read access to value or derivative arrays |
CIntegral | Interface to R's adaptive integrate routine |
Cintervals | Union of closed intervals |
Cmultivariate_index | Utilility class for sequential_reduction |
CmvIntegral | Multivariate integral class |
Cold_state | Read the current tape's state and restore it on request |
Comp_shared_ptr | Manage shared operator data across multiple threads |
Cop_info | Bitwise collection of selected operator flags |
CPackOp | Pack (PackOp ) or unpack (UnpkOp ) n consecutive values on the tape |
CPackWrap | Transform a functor to have packed input/output |
CParalOp | Parallel operator |
CParametersChanged | Default tester for retaping_derivative_table |
Cperiod | Representation of a period in a sequence |
Cperiodic | Period analyzer |
Cretaping_derivative_table | Adaptive derivative table used by AtomOp |
CReverseArgs | Access input/output values and derivatives during a reverse pass. Write access granted for the input derivative only |
Csegment_ref | Provide read/write access to an array segment |
CSegmentRef | Representation of a specific contiguous set of values on a specific tape |
Csequential_reduction | Sequential reduction algorithm |
CSpJacFun_config | Configuration parameters for SpJacFun() |
Csr_grid | Utilility class for sequential_reduction |
Cstandard_derivative_table | Fixed derivative table used by AtomOp |
CStdWrap | Interoperability with other vector classes |
CUnpkOp | Pack (PackOp ) or unpack (UnpkOp ) n consecutive values on the tape. |
▼Ntmbutils | Utility functions for TMB (automatically included) |
Carray | Array class used by TMB |
CConcat | Serialized representation of objects of different types |
Cinterpol2D | Get a smooth representation of a data matrix |
Cinterpol2D_config | Configuration for Interpol2D |
Cmatexp | Matrix exponential: matrix of arbitrary dimension |
Cmatexp< scalartype, 2 > | Matrix exponential: 2x2 case which can be handled efficiently |
Cmatrix | Matrix class used by TMB |
Corder | Taped sorting of a vector |
Csplinefun | Spline Interpolation |
Cvector | Vector class used by TMB |
▼Nvectorize | Vectorized atomic functions |
Cvector | Vector of consequtive values on the AD tape |
Carray | Array class used by TMB |
Cconfig_struct | Configuration variables of a user template |
Cdata_indicator | Utilities for OSA residuals |
Cmatrix | Matrix class used by TMB |
Cparallel_accumulator | Helper to manage parallel accumulation |
Cvector | Vector class used by TMB |