TMB Documentation  v1.9.11
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 atomic.hppSpecial functions depending on 'tiny_ad'
 autodiff.hppEasy access to AD library
 concat.hppObject concatenation
 config.hppConfiguration of user template
 convenience.hppTemplates to get convenient R-like syntax
 convert.hppConvert vector/matrix-Types to double SEXP types
 density.hppClasses to construct multivariate negative log Gaussian density objects
 distributions_R.hppProbability distribution functions
 dnorm.hppUnivariate normal density
 interpol.hppAtomic interpolation operator
 kronecker.hppKronecker product of two matrices
 lgamma.hppGamma function and gamma probability densities
 matexp.hppMatrix exponential
 romberg.hppRomberg integration
 sparse_matrix_exponential.hppAtomic sparse matrix exponentiation
 splines.hppR's spline function wrapped into template class that can be used with TMB
 spmat.hppExtends Eigen::SparseMatrix class
 TMB.hppIncludes and sets all stuff needed to compile the user defined objective function
 tmb_core.hppInterfaces to R and CppAD
 tmb_enable_header_only.hppInclude this file to extract declarations only
 tmb_enable_precompile.hppInclude this file to extract declarations, definitions and selected code for pre-compilation
 tmbutils.hppNamespace of utility functions for TMB
 toggle_thread_safe_R.hppOverride subset of R-API with thread safe versions
 vector.hppDefines TMB vectors
 Vectorize.hppMacros to do vectorization
 tmbutils/vectorize.hppAtomic vectorization
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